Bristol Museum & Art Galleryより学芸員のMrs. Kate Newnhamがご見学されました

先日イギリスのBristol Museum & Art Gallery様より金屏風のご注文をいただきました。
Bristol Museum & Art Gallery様はイギリスにある市立博物館で、
今年の1月30日から「Hinamatsuri:Japanese Dolls Festival」(ひな祭り展)を
そのご縁により、学芸員のMrs. Kate Newnhamが来日された時にご来社いただき、
ひな祭り展 リンク
We have such exciting news about a visitor from Bristol Museum & Art Gallery in the U.K. Ms. Kate Newnham is a Curator who came to visit and stay in Japan for her research. Bristol Museum and Art Gallery in the U.K. is holding a special Japanese exhibition of ‘’Hinamatusri’’ (Doll’s Festival) displaying some beautiful classical Japanese dolls. This is popular aspect of Japanese culture for girls. ← (Bristol Museum)
The museum needed two golden folding screens for the exhibition so they ordered and bought them from our company (KODO Co., Ltd.) and we forwarded them to the U.K. Later on Ms. Newnham visited our workshop on 7th Feb during her research visit to Japan for research. Here she witnessed the process of making Japanese paper crafts, especially screens. She visited Tokyo and then Kyoto.
Later she visited Kyushu (which is Japan’s third largest island, south of the main island of Japan) to research ceramics. When I talked with her here in Fushimi, Kyoto, I discovered that there the UK has a deep relationship with Japan and also with other Asian countries. Hundreds of pieces of Japanese art are held by the Bristol Art Museum and Art Gallery. We were very surprised to hear of this. We are also so pleased to discover that they hold many Japanese ceramics. The Hinamatsuri Dolls Festival exhibition in Bristol, U.K. will be held until 5th April. Please do not miss it.
We consider it a wonderful opportunity to meet Ms. Kate Newnham and to hear about Japanese art in the U.K. It is a great honor to have a relationship with her and the Bristol Museum & Art Gallery.
(Reported by Motoko Kodo at KODO Co., Ltd.)